Free Fertiliser Distribution to Small-Scale Tea Planters

Free Fertiliser Distribution to Small-Scale Tea Planters
In an effort to support small-scale tea planters, a ceremony of free distribution of fertilisers, under the Tea Sector Support Scheme, was held, yesterday, at Dhanush Hall in Nouvelle France. On the same occasion, mechanical tea harvesters were handed over to registered tea planters.
The events were organised by the Ministry of Agro-Industry, Food Security, Blue Economy, and Fisheries, through its Agro-Industry and Food Security Division, in collaboration with The Small Farmers Welfare Fund. The aim was to empower tea planters by providing essential resources and modern equipment to enhance productivity and competitiveness in the sector.
The Minister of Agro-Industry, Food Security, Blue Economy and Fisheries, Dr Arvin Boolell; the Junior Minister of Agro-Industry, Food Security, Blue Economy and Fisheries, Mr Gilles Fabrice David; the Junior Minister of Gender Equality and Family Welfare, Mrs Anishta Babooram; the Member of Parliament, Mr Manoj Seeburn; and other personalities were present. In his address, Minister Boolell recalled the evolution of the tea industry, noting its decline from over 2,600 hectares to approximately 623 hectares. He emphasised the importance of revitalising the sector, creating jobs, and boosting productivity through modernisation and support schemes.
The Minister also underlined the growing demand for value-added tea products such as bubble tea, which presents opportunities for industry growth. He reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to providing resources and financial assistance, particularly through subsidies and mechanisation, to enhance efficiency and sustainability.
He further stressed the economic and environmental importance of the tea industry, highlighting its role in purifying the atmosphere and contributing to national food security. He acknowledged the challenges faced by tea planters, namely an ageing workforce and competition from larger tea-producing countries.
On that score, Dr Boolell called for unity and cooperation among stakeholders and urged the formation of cooperative societies so as to strengthen their bargaining power and secure better market opportunities. Government’s vision is to revitalise the tea industry and ensure its sustainability, he said.
Junior Minister David, for his part, emphasised the significance of the tea sector in Mauritius,
highlighting its historical and economic importance. He expressed appreciation towards the representatives of ministries and, most importantly, the tea planters for their dedication. He outlined the challenges faced by the sector, including labour shortages and an ageing workforce, and underscored the necessity of modernisation, mechanisation, and innovation.
The introduction of battery-operated and gasoline-powered mechanical harvesters was
announced so as to improve efficiency while maintaining quality. Like sugarcane, tea remains integral to the country’s identity, and efforts should be made to sustain and develop this industry, stated Mr David.
In the same vein, Junior Minister Babooram paid tribute to tea planters for their significant
contribution to the country’s economy, emphasising that progress would not be possible without their dedication. She underlined the essential role of labour in sustaining economic growth, particularly in the tea sector, and affirmed the importance of continued government and ministerial support. She assured that Government assistance would always be available to help planters in their efforts.
As for Mr Seeburn, he pointed out the Government’s ongoing efforts to support tea planters through subsidies and highlighted the distribution of mechanical tea harvesters as crucial initiatives. He encouraged young people to participate in tea cultivation with an emphasis on increasing production and reducing costs. Highlighting the global importance of tea, Mr Seeburn appealed to planters to seize available opportunities, including grants and mechanisation, to sustain and enhance the industry.


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