The 13th edition of the Mahatma Gandhi Institute Model United Nations (MGI MUN) kicked off, this morning, in the presence of the Attorney General, Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security, Mr Maneesh Gobin, at MGI in Moka. On this occasion, a newsletter was also launched.

The Chairman of the MGI/Rabindranath Tagore Institute (RTI) Council, Mr P. Mahadeo, the Director General of the MGI/RTI, Mr R. Rampertab, and the Director Schooling MGI/RTI, Mrs S. Ramful, were present.

The Model United Nations (MUN) is the simulation of the activities of the United Nations, with the Security Council, the General Assembly and its Commissions. Participants assume the roles of representatives of member States of the United Nations and consider items from the vast agenda of the United Nations. It is recalled that the MUN was first held in Mauritius as a pilot project in 1993, involving 18 secondary schools.

Addressing the students, Minister Gobin highlighted the importance of multilateralism in solving global matters and pursuing common goals. “It is crucial that different countries and organisations work together in the face of unprecedented challenges”, he stated.

“The MGI MUN,” he pointed out, “will provide a platform for students to be familiarised with matters of pertinence and also with policies to further promote diplomatic relations between countries.”
The Minister urged the students to think well before passing resolutions and to take into consideration the fact that Mauritius is an ocean state. “These resolutions have the potential to influence future decisions at the level of the state,” he added.