PM inaugurates NHDC’s Résidence Lily and pledges for concretisation of projects for welfare of the population

The completion of the Résidence Lily project translates Government’s commitment to secure the welfare of the population into concrete action. Speaking at the inauguration of the Résidence Lily which forms part of the Wooton National Housing Development Company (NHDC) Housing Complex, the Prime Minister, Mr. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, this evening, renewed his pledge to work for the needs and welfare of the population and live up to the trust conferred to the Government to lead the country.

The project is a joint collaboration of the National Housing Development Company and the Ministry of Housing and Land Use Planning. The Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Housing and Land Use Planning, Minister of Tourism, Mr. Louis Steven Obeegadoo, and other personalities including the Deputy Chief Government Whip, Mr Soobeersingh Dhunoo and the Parliamentary Private Secretary, Mr Gilbert Bablee, graced the event.

An inaugural PM inaugurates NHDC’s Résidence Lily and pledges for concretisation of projects for welfare of the population was unveiled by the Prime Minister and keys to the social housing units were symbolically remitted to some beneficiaries by the dignitaries. The Multipurpose area of the housing estate was also inaugurated by the Mr Jugnauth.

In his keynote speech, the Prime Minister pointed out that the provision of decent social housing to the most vulnerable members of the population remains at the core of Government’s agenda. He informed that since 2015 up to now, Government has delivered some 4 413 social housing constructed by the NHDC and 203 units have been bought for a total of Rs.108 million and delivered to National Empowerment Foundation beneficiaries.

Furthermore, Mr. Jugnauth spoke about Government’s unflinching determination regardless of the unprecedented adverse impacts in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and rising costs due to the ongoing international geopolitical tensions. He also expressed gratitude to the Government of India for offering Mauritius the financial support to construct 956 social housing units.

The Prime Minister dwelt on Government’s mixed housing concept seeking to promote the social integration of all social groups across the country. He announced that 223 social housing units for a sum of Rs 560 million will be soon constructed at La Valette, Bambous; 1 024 NHDC housing units will be completed by 2024 and 50 units will be built in Agalega. As for the target of 12 000 social housing units, it will be implemented soon by the New Social Living Development Limited in two phases of 8 000 and 4 000 units, he stated.

In addition, the Prime Minister spoke of other schemes aimed at helping struggling families in their construction projects, such as the Building Materials Grant Scheme and the Roof Slab Grant Scheme, for which he indicated a sum of Rs 781 million has been disbursed to help some 11 286 beneficiaries up to now.

As for DPM Obeegadoo, he dwelt on the key facilities being catered for in the Résidence Lily project, for which an investment of Rs. 617 million has been disbursed, namely: 282 household units of 66m2 with private parking area, 71 parking slots for visitors, a multipurpose hall, commercial spaces for mini markets, two children’s playgrounds, a jogging track of 500m, a pétanque court, an amphitheater and a bus lay-by and taxi system for commuting facilities. A total of 28 housing units have been reserved for NEF beneficiaries, he pointed out.

Mr. Obeegadoo also stressed that this new project has taken into consideration the needs of people suffering from disabilities, and to this end the housing complex includes 10 housing units reserved for households with members suffering from disabilities on the ground floor and 10 reserved parking spaces.

Moreover, with the aim of being environmentally friendly, some 47 water tanks for rain water harvesting purposes have been installed in the yard of the housing estate and 10 compost and recycle bins have been placed, added the DPM.

He underpinned Government’s strategy to advance projects that are people-centric and affirmed that each decision and policies are taken in line with the population’s well-being.


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